How to create your Jagumaterran name:
1. Find the meaning of your name (For purpose of ease, I have used my maiden name. Note: subject to change) (i.e. “Regan Brianne Jense” = “Heir Noble Jen's Son”)
2. Make a sentence out of it (i.e. “Jen's Noble Heir”)
3. Take the second and third letters of the first word (i.e. “En”)
4. Take the first and second letters of the second word (i.e. “no”)
5. Take the third and fourth letters of the third word (i.e. “ir”) (if there is no specified letter, just use the last one)
6. Put them all together (i.e. “Ennoir” pronounced “EHN-wahr”)
Note: If you become utterly discouraged by your particular letter combination, I find that it helps to just mush whatever letters can create a coherent word.